Thanks to its oxidizing power, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a disinfectant gas that has been popularized in disinfection, particularly in the paper industry. Its broad spectrum of action enables it to treat odors, contaminated enclosed environments and bacterial biofilm.

A powerful biocide

Chlorine dioxide is produced by mixing sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid in an aqueous solution, which then releases the gas ClO2. Thanks to its strong oxidizing power, chlorine dioxide has become a particularly effective disinfectant against odors and bacteria.

It can break down not only volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but also viruses and molds, making it a versatile disinfectant. Its distinctive feature is that it has a much faster action time than most biocides on the market, and is less toxic than bleach.

Its properties make it ideal for decontamination and disinfection of indoor environments.


Disinfection against


Chlorine dioxide acts through the protective membranes of bacterial biofilm, annihilating the growth of bacteria that spread through the air and onto surfaces.


ClO2 eliminates a variety of unpleasant odors such as mildew, tobacco and sewer odors, as well as post-disaster fire and water damage.


Chlorine dioxide has the ability to disrupt the protein envelope and nucleic acids of RNA and DNA of viruses and pathogenic bacteria, leading to their decomposition in record time.


The biocide has an oxidizing effect on the walls and membranes of fungal cells, directly destroying them. It’s important to diagnose excess humidity.



Chlorine dioxide has received several certifications and approvals from various international regulatory bodies as a high-performance biocide.
RECONNU PAR l’oms (organisation mondiale de la santé)
RECONNU PAR lA FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
RECONNU PAR l’epa (Environmental Protection agency)

In the course of history

Since its discovery in 1811, chlorine dioxide has had time to establish its reputation through numerous health crises and its involvement in the development of various industries.


Although chlorine dioxide is a fast, effective disinfectant, it is very important to take precautions when handling it. Correct handling and storage are therefore essential to ensure safe use of chlorine dioxide.

Toxicological data sheet – Chlorine dioxide

Frequently asked questions

How does Puroxus decontamination/disinfection work?

Puroxus decontamination/disinfection takes place in several stages:

> Needs assessment: Our team assesses the extent of contamination and identifies affected areas to determine the best treatment methods.

> Area preparation: Before decontamination/disinfection, surfaces must be cleaned and debris removed.

> Application of chlorine dioxide solution: We use a chlorine dioxide generator to produce a solution which is then sprayed over the contaminated area.

> Contact time: The chlorine dioxide solution is left in contact with surfaces for a set period of time to enable effective action.

> Aeration: Once the contact time is over, the area is aerated to remove chlorine dioxide residues.

> Verification: We carry out tests to ensure that the area is free of contaminants.

> Report: We provide a detailed report of the intervention, together with recommendations for future contamination prevention.

Our teams are trained to carry out decontamination/disinfection efficiently, quickly and safely, following all the precautions necessary to protect your health and safety.

Does chlorine dioxide replace air purifiers?

Chlorine dioxide and air purifiers are different approaches to improving air quality. Chlorine dioxide offers a powerful shock treatment to remove contaminants from the air, while air purifiers use a variety of devices to filter, trap or remove unwanted particles.

The effectiveness and safety of air purifiers can vary depending on the device used and the quality of the purifier itself.

So it’s important to choose a quality air purifier and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Chlorine dioxide can be an interesting option for intensive air treatment, but it’s important to understand its use and take the necessary precautions to ensure safe and appropriate use.

Is chlorine dioxide used in food?

Chlorine dioxide can be used in certain situations for food disinfection. It is renowned for its effectiveness in eliminating bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. However, its use on food is regulated and must be carried out in accordance with the standards and regulations in force in each country. It is important to note that the use of chlorine dioxide on food must be carried out by trained professionals and under appropriate conditions to ensure food safety.

Is chlorine dioxide effective in eliminating viruses and bacteria?

Yes, chlorine dioxide is renowned for its effectiveness in eliminating viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. It works by destroying the cell walls of microorganisms, leading to their elimination. Chlorine dioxide is used in a variety of disinfection applications, such as water treatment, surface disinfection, air purification and, in some cases, even food disinfection.

Is chlorine dioxide hazardous to health?

Chlorine dioxide can present health risks when used inappropriately or in high concentrations. It is important to comply with safety standards and recommendations when using it. Chlorine dioxide can be safely used for disinfection at low concentrations in accordance with guidelines. However, at high concentrations or with prolonged exposure, it can cause respiratory aggravation, skin irritation and other adverse effects. It is therefore essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take the necessary precautions when handling and using chlorine dioxide.

What are the regulations governing the use of chlorine dioxide?

Regulations governing the use of chlorine dioxide may vary from one continent to another.

In Europe, ClO2 is regulated as an active chemical in biocidal products. Its use is governed by the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). Specific authorizations are required for different types of use, and products containing chlorine dioxide must comply with EU standards and requirements.

In the United States, regulations on chlorine dioxide are mainly based on its use in drinking water treatment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established standards and guidelines for the use of chlorine dioxide in water treatment to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

In China, chlorine dioxide is widely more popular, and again proved its worth during the Covid19 pandemic for disinfecting large areas and enclosed environments.